Antioxidative effect of carotenoids on the methylene blue sensitized photoxidation of soybean oil and rapeseed oil was investigated.
From 1909 to 1999, consumption of soybean oil in the United States increased more than 1,000-fold per person; margarine consumption increased 12-fold, but consumption of butter and lard decreased by about four-fold each.
从 1909 到 1999 年,美大豆油的人均消费量增长了超过一千倍;人造黄油消费量增加了 12 倍,而黄油和猪油的消耗量则分别下降了 4 倍左右。
They then switched the girl over to a soybean oil supplemented TPN — soybean oil has 10 times more of the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid compared to safflower oil, and, after the switch, her symptoms slowly resolved.